Monday, February 25, 2008

Oooh! Choose Me! I'm the Adult!

At church on Sunday I was sitting in my classroom waiting for all of the kids to get in there when the first counselor in the Sunday School presidency (whom I have never met before) stuck his head in the classroom, looked straight at me and said, "Where's the teacher for this class?"

I thought he was kidding so I told him that I didn't know. He said he was going to go find someone who could step in.

About fifteen minutes later, the Sunday School President showed up and said, "Brother Smith said that there wasn't a teacher here."

Obviously there is, Brother Foster!

After church, Brother Smith walked up to me and started apologizing profusely for confusing me for one of my 13-year-old students. What? Seriously?? Heaven help me if I still look like I did when I was 13 (I'm the first to admit that I went to through an awkward stage from about age 10 to age 20...then again on my mission and for six months after...then again when I was living in Japan for the second time).

I'm not sure whether I should take it as a compliment or a severe insult...


Gráinne said...

It's a compliment babe! I was out with my sister at the weekend who is 4 years my junior and people were asking who was the older sister! Made my week! She on the other hand was not happy desu yo!

Holli said...

Is that THE grainne? The Irish Grainne with the "Erin hair?" Wow... I was just reading about her...

Erin said...

Oh come on! At 27, being mistaken for 23 is one thing. At 30, being mistaken for 13 is quite another. Then again, they did make that movie with Jennifer Garner - 13 Going on 30. Of course, she went from 13 TO 30, not the other way around, which for some reason, seems a lot worse.

Erin said...

And yes, Holli, that is THE GRAINNE.

Gráinne said...

Erin pet, I'm 26! Dont be adding years onto me!

Hi Holli! Hope you are enjoying the book!

Gráinne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gráinne said...

Holli, if you have come to the bit where Erin and I go road tripping and nobody else will come with us, it's because of the above link - over and over again!

Erin, sing it loud!

Erin said...

Crap...I debated between 26 and 27 for about 15 minutes! I even text messaged Thanet to ask how old you are. 1982?? I didn't realize I was that much older than you. That might come from the fact that I actually DO act like I'm 13.

And speaking of you being older, I promise that I'm still working on your birthday present. It's probably not as grand as it sounds, but I hope that you're going to like it!

Erin said...

Oh my word! I've never seen the music video to that song! I laughed and laughed. Got to love Japan and especially Japanese men with their bad hair and their velvet suits! Not to mention those super sweet choreographed dance moves. At least their teeth are nice.

Erin said...

I prefer this video. It shows the greater variety of Japanese hair awesomeness.

Holli said...

Wow - the videos were great. Is it bad that I kind of liked the music? And, I must say that I am in awe of the hair! I'm a woman and I definitely can't get the type of volume and curl that they manage. I totally get, Erin, when you talk about them being "pixe-like." If it wasn't the hair, the dance moves definitely convinced me.

And, Grainne, you are (besides Erin, of course) my favorite "character." I think it's because I'm on an Irish-kick. On Real World (yes, I watch it! don't judge me!), last season, I loved this girl on their called Norin, who was from Ireland. And, my favorite character on American Idol this season (yes, I watch that too!) is Carly - also from Ireland. So, I imagine you to be a combination of both these characters. I vote that you come out of hiding and start a blog!

Gráinne said...

Hey Holli! I laughed to read myself described as a character! I never thought of it like that before! Weird considering its a book! I just look at E's book as my diary, written by someone else!

As for liking SMAP, that is most definately allowed! Here is another one of my SMAP favs that you might enjoy!

AS far as me starting a blog, I dont think so. Unfortunately I dont have the gift Erin has for writing and my life is not half as interesting!

Holli said...

Oh, I love that one the most! FABULOUS! I keep thinking, "What would I do at a club if a man with those same dance moves approached me?" Impressive...

Grainne, if you ever want to start a blog, please let me know. I will read it. And, you and Erin are most certaintly characters - not necesarily book characters but characters nonetheless.

Erin said...

Shut up! I'm totally learning this dance for the next time we go dancing. Perhaps this one would be more suitable for the Black Cat Lounge rather than the Dixie Dance Hall! And I've also just realized that my hair looks just like one of the men - but a little more blonde. Crap.

Holli, just so you know, SMAP is one of the premier Japanese pop groups. If you didn't just love them, I would be disappointed.

Porter Family said...

Oh, my freak. I am completely speechless. I just watched SMAP for the first time. No wonder you wanted to stay in Japan that long! It's like the japanese backstreet boys. I can even pick out the pretty one, the rebel, the gay one, the straight older brother, and the alcoholic. (Isn't that the combo that is in all boy bands?) I thought at the beginning that the pretty boy had a mullet, until I realized his hair was just halfway back in some kind of flipped ponytail that I swear I have worn my hair like before.

I already have the dance moves memorized. Those kids at the next stake dance I have to chaperone better watch out!

Erin said...

Well, the thing about it is that even though you might think that one of them is gay, he's not. All Japanese men look and act gay. Seriously. Men in Japan touch other men more than they touch women. It's very strange.

And, I'm pretty sure all of them are alcoholics because most Japanese men are.

And the guy with the hair that you thought was a mullet?? Yeah, that's the guy I was talking about when I said that my hair looks just like his. That's how I wore my hair yesterday.

But, all of the above mentioned things are what makes SMAP SOOOOOO AWESOME.

JRome said...

Uhh. Someone thought I was 18, does that count? I'm 31 now so I took that as a compliment.

I decided I needed to start wearing a tie at work so that others would take me seriously... it actually didn't work as well as I thought.

Meta said...

That is great!! take it as a compliment.