Friday, February 15, 2008

Mean People Suck

I am currently on a rampage against mean people.

Yesterday at my coding class, I was having a hard time finding one of the answers to the practice worksheets I had been given. I turned around to the girl sitting behind me and asked if she could walk me through the steps she had taken to get the answer. She looked at me like I was crazy and said, "If I showed you how to do it, you would never learn to do it yourself, would you? I think you need to try a little harder."

Then, later on in the afternoon, when she figured out that I was doing better at the worksheet than she was, she had the gall to ask ME to help HER with the SAME QUESTION. That's right! She didn't even have the answer earlier in the morning and didn't want to admit it so she decided to be exceedingly rude instead. I tried to be the bigger person and help her out but I admit that during the entire process, I was SEETHING.

This morning one of those patients that you want to run from came in. I swear that ever since he became a patient, he has been demanding and down-right rude. I've never answered a call from him where he did not yell at me for some nonsense that isn't even my fault. Naturally, I've done everything I've been asked to do for him, not out of the pure charity of my heart, but because I've been forced to.

He got twice as rude after the doctor refused to sign his papers for disability based on the fact that even though he claimed to have severe abdominal pain ALL THE TIME, none of the doctors he was referred to could find anything wrong with him (this might be because he is one of those people who limps around when people are watching, but walks normal when he thinks no one is).

Today he wants a referral to the ear, nose, and throat doctor RIGHT NOW AND IF IT DOESN'T GET DONE RIGHT NOW, THERE ARE GOING TO BE PROBLEMS. I want to stand up and hit him over the head with a pan and say, "What makes you think you are entitled to ANY KIND OF SERVICE when you can't even act civily? Do you ever wonder why NO ONE likes you? Do you ever wonder why NO ONE is ever willing to help you?"

And you know what the stupid thing is about mean people? They're the ones who always get what they want because the people who are serving them are just trying to stop them from causing a scene. Whatever happened to catching more flies with honey??


Teagan said...

Well now you have a reason to come to Canada!! So start saving up now and pretty soon you and your husband will be going on a little vay-kay to visit me!

JRome said...

Wow. It's been over a week for me to get a referral from our nurse. Should I be rude to get her to do her job faster? I even gave her all the information, paperwork to get it done faster but still no luck... I think I'm going to go the and rude route...

Erin said...

If it's taken you this long to get a reply being kind and considerate, go ahead and be rude. Then, just wait how long it takes you to get something done the next time. My bet is, it won't ever get done...

Davis Family said...

Hey, it was good to hear from you. You have been a guilty pleasure for a few months now. You are a very gifted write Erin and I get such a kick out of reading your posts. Things are great and weird and pretty much the same in Misawa. I'm glad that you are having such a great life and you can always seem to find the fun in it.
Shelagh Davis

JRome said...

Will do!! I'll bombard them with rude calls and visits and sit in their office (I guess much like what I did in the military:)

I just ordered your book and I am excited!!!!

Porter Family said...

I hate mean people. Makes me want to pull an Adam Sandler and leave flaming bags of poop on their front door and ding-dong-ditch them. Serves them right for being mean!!! (By the way, when are you coming out here to start the book tour? There's cheap tickets all the time from Hobby airport...)

JRome said...

Did you hear about the earthquake? I got an email about it but heard it hit Elko. Isn't that where you're from?