Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Eve Entertainment

The good news is that if you stay home on New Year's Eve, there is plenty of quality entertainment to be had on TV. Beside the college football bowl games, there also happens to be "The Best Damn Hooters" pageant.

It's just like Miss America except as far as I can tell, the contestants don't have to have a single talent beside having the ability to get a boob job. My one quandary during the 30 seconds that Husband let me watch it was whether or not they have separate categories for those who have only what nature gave them and those who have been "enhanced". Then again, from what I saw, I don't think that there would be a single woman in the former category.

Ummm...Happy New Year.


Brynley said...

Love the new look of the blog. New look for a new year, eh? I'd do the same except last time I changed my blog, half my stuff got erased somehow. So, now I'm paranoid.

Erin said...

Yeah, that's what sucks about getting a new template - you have to re-do everything. It's a good thing that I now know everyone's blog address by heart so I can just throw them back on there!

Porter Family said...

you memorized my blog? Just kidding. I'm halfway through your book. It gives me my daily dose of laughter. Does HM ever have a real name? Is the Jerome leaving comments on your blog the same one from the book? Are you famous yet? Are you entering the hooters contest next year? Is your next book about life in Texas? I'd love reading that one (even if it is to make sure you get the correct grammar use of y'all and all y'all).

Holli said...

You could have come to our house for New Year's Eve. Oh yeah... wait... it was the WORST New Year's EVER!!! (See future blog)

Erin said...

For the Porter Family -

Yes, HM does have a real name and I think that I mention it at least once. The Jerome in the book does comment on my blog and currently lives in Utah.

And yes, I would love to write a book about Texas except for the fact that NO ONE in Texas would think it was funny and also I don't really have a life down here to write about. I think that the daily grind of home to office to home to grocery store to home is pretty boring. I guess I could make it up...

As far as THE BEST DAMN HOOTERS of 2008, look for me! I'm going to try to get on Extreme Makeover so that I can not only get a boob job, but a tummy tuck, a brow lift, fake teeth, fake hair, and a fake tan. I think that way I'll fit right in.

And, as Ms. Best Damn Hooters 2008, I'm sure that I will be famous and I will be able to better promote my book (while standing on the street corner, wearing my Hooters bikini...people stop at car washes for bikini clad women, why not stop for a book signing!).