Saturday, December 22, 2007

PS I Love You

Now I know that I am a hopeless romantic but PS I Love You might be one of the cutest love love movies that I have ever seen. I know, I know, I was the one who just weeks ago posted about another love love movie that I felt was too unrealistic. But, that movie didn't have Hillary Swank in it (she's my number two girl crush right behind Catherine Zeta Jones) nor did it have Harry Conick, Jr. (can I get woo woo?).

Anyway, taking the movie exactly for what it is - Hillary Swank in fabulous clothes with continuously fabulous and differing nail colors with a husband who has passed on and is leaving her love letters and giving her instructions on how to get over him and LOTS of Irish eye candy (both men [none of whom hold a candle to Husband, mind you] and Irish scenery...PS Grainne, I want to visit there when I come to see you) - I LOVED IT.

There were plenty of parts that I laughed out loud at and there were two or three parts where I cried (yes, I also know that I am a cry baby but I was not nearly as bad as the lady across the aisle who was crying so hard that she was nearly wailing).

So, what I'm saying is that if you are looking for a good girl movie (remember that you have to go see it in the right frame of mind - it's not for those who are looking to learn something or be really impressed by the deep meaning) for Christmas, this is it. I'm going to be buying it when it comes out on DVD and then making Husband watch it when he's being bad (right now the only form of torture I have for him is to make him listen to the Josh Groban Christmas CD).

And for my cute husband - PS I LOVE YOU (is that cheesy? I can't help it. I'm on a chic flick high, which is way worse than a sugar high).


Porter Family said...

love the josh groban favorite christmas cd.

Holli said...

Erin, I am dying to see this movie now. (More so than I already was!) Hey, thanks for the 24 dvds - I haven't been able to have a conversation with Kyle since then. He's too busy watching the episodes.

Erin said...

Oh my word! Whenever you're ready to go, call me. I will totally go watch it again..and again and again.

And, I know how the 24 silent treatment goes. Nick shushes me and points at the TV. Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot Jack is your boyfriend.

GrĂ¡inne said...

Mrs Erin Marie Neff Peters-san. A big WTF! I have just been to PS I love you and hated it!

Having the read the book-which I loved-and reading your review, I had high hopes! However, I am so disappointed! The book is 10 times better than the film. Trust me after reading that you will be wailing the entire way through it just like that lady across the aisle!

The two "O-Irish" men in the film were American and Scottish! There accents were up there with Julia Roberts and Brad Pitt in the Top 10 worst O-Irish accents in the world! You do realise that when you come to visit, you are going to be so disappointed, because we do NOT sound like that (nor do we speak out of the left sides of our mouths!).

The only part of the film that I will be able to help you with is the scenery! Ireland is that beautiful and there are even some better spots!! Hope you are saving! Its best seen in the summer! I'll be expecting you!

Erin said...

Oh my word. Would you NOT read the book? When has there ever been a film that is better than the book? WHEN? Never, that's when. I blame the fact that you didn't like it on that.

And, I don't care if the men were Scottish and American. They were HOOOOOTTTTTT. The good news is that their Irish accent was SLIGHTLY better than mine (but only slightly). However, that was eclipsed only by their hotness, which was the whole point of the movie.