Friday, December 21, 2007

Chiming In On Craziness

  1. Being famous and beautiful must be really hard (I'll let you know when I get famous). It must be twice as hard when you are 16 and the little sister of Brittany Spears (oh, and also pregnant). You can't help but feel bad for her because her family is CRAZY and also because her parents pushed her to make money so they would never have to work again. I am happy, however, that her mother's book entitled, "How to Raise a Child", has been scrapped.
  2. I've decided that when I get old I'm going to drive my car-that's-as-big-as-a-boat really slow right in the middle of the road. That's what crazy old people do now and I figure that I can do it later on, too.
  3. There was a new Crazy that came to the office yesterday for the first time (I believe I've already mentioned that). Today a woman came in who is his girlfriend. That's right, Crazy has a Crazy Girlfriend (how on earth these people find each other is beyond me...then again, I guess there is the Internet) - who, by the way, doesn't seem to understand the need for any personal hygiene. Her smell is currently permeating the office. Apparently at one point, she was forced to move out of an apartment because the people upstairs complained that they could not get rid of her smell in their apartment (this is a true story). Anyway, that's just what we need - another Crazy. Now we have Crazy I, Crazy II, and Crazy-Girlfriend-Who-Apparently-Doesn't-Bathe.
  4. I never knew how crazy people were around Christmas until I married Husband. He just happens to work in retail. He has been getting phone calls from people telling him that he is ruining their child's Christmas because his company will only give away the Wii system if people buy a TV. They've even threatened legal action (apparently no one remembers what Christmas is really all about anymore). No wonder he doesn't like Christmas.

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