I've been trying for two weeks to organize my book signing for next Saturday (which is not guaranteed to happen because the books still have not arrived from the publisher). Part of the organization comes in the fact that you actually have to get people to show up (because no matter how badly I want to believe that I am ALREADY famous, I am not).
I've been calling around, seeing where I can get free advertising/interviews about the book. It seems that NO ONE in this bloody town wants to help me. I've sent press releases to the local paper, followed up, called them about 85 times, and they still haven't printed ANYTHING. I've talked to the snobby radio station where they said they wouldn't even consider interviewing me on their station. I've even called the TV channels to see if I could get on their morning programs. I haven't been referred to the right person yet. They keep giving me the run around.
And, if all that wasn't bad enough, I've been trying to get the word out to the people at church (the only place that I go beside work) to no avail. I am apparently not allowed to announce it in church at all (we aren't in Ruby Valley, Nevada anymore where I'm sure they would let me give a talk all about it in Sacrament Meeting), I can't use the email list that they use to send out announcements, and I don't know anyone at church (literally. I know about three people and they all work in the nursery with me) who can help me get through the cracks!
At this point, I am beyond frustrated. I feel like the whole town of Beaumont is working against me. How on earth am I supposed to get famous in the entire United States when I can't even get famous in Beaumont?
Don't give up. I know my mom had a REALLY hard time getting the marketing for her book up and running, but after a few years now, she's managed to sell over 25,000 copies. Hang in there!
Don't give up. I know my mom had a REALLY hard time getting the marketing for her book up and running, but after a few years now, she's managed to sell over 25,000 copies. Hang in there!
Just remember, everyone who doesn't help you is on your "Not Nice" list and you can put flaming bags of dog poop on their front porch when you are famous and above the law. Beyond that, you may have to resort to begging. Have you tried calling NPR?
Oh, I started begging WEEKS ago. Perhaps I just haven't honed my technique yet. Maybe I should start making cookies and cakes to distribute.
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