I'm going to admit that I've been having a hard time getting ANY Christmas spirit. Husband said that he didn't even want a Christmas tree, which I had reluctantly resigned myself to...at least until this afternoon when I went to the craft store and spent an hour and a half pushing my cart from one side to the other multiple times. I found these little trees, which I was magically able to wedge in between our TV and our table. While they don't SMELL like Christmas, it has helped my mood (and it didn't hurt that I had a few presents to wrap, including one that is MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ME!). Even though you can't see how cute it is in the picture, I'm tickled pink.
This afternoon when I went down to the hospital to visit Husband's mother, I was drawn to the manger scene on the front lawn. I thought it was fabulous. The only problem - it looks like the lamb that the shepherd is holding is in pain. Maybe it knows that it is going to be the sacrificial lamb. Either that, or maybe the lamb is in awe and is saying, "OHHHH! That baby sure does have a lot of hair for a newborn." Then again, I guess that the shepherds might not have come until Jesus was two years old. You never know.
I think your Christmas tree(s) are great! They look so festive and fun, especially with the presents underneath them.
Well, the presents are my favorite part, too...
I think I'm going to get me an Air Freshener-shaped pine tree on Monday for my Christmas tree.
At least it'll smell good. I just don't know where to put the lights now...
Merry Christmas!!
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