Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Book Signing

My very first book signing is tentatively scheduled for December 22, 2007 (depending on whether or not they can get the books in by then)! If you happen to be in town, head on down to the Barnes and Noble at 12 pm! Wahoo! Now all I have to do is find people that will come! Maybe I can bribe some people on the street!


Porter Family said...

You better take pictures and then post them on the blog! I am really excited for you! Hopefully you won't have any stalkers come around asking for photos and autographs. Just tell everyone you know that you know another famous person and they'll want to buy your book. Because, seriously, if you're a published author, you must know someone, right?

Erin said...

The only famous person I know is ME. I don't know anyone else in this town besides the one lady that works with me in the nursery at church. I barely even know who the relief society president is since they put me right into the nursery as soon as I moved here. I mean, I will say that I am currently TRYING to make friends with Oprah, but I'm not sure if that will carry much weight.

Any other marketing ideas? I seriously have no idea what to do and that is stressing me out.

JRome said...

If I give you the money (I know I said I was going to buy it for my birthday, but Jenna Bush was in town-- I also interned for UNICEF), can I get an autographed copy as well?

Tell me where to send the check or money order and I'll send it to you. Can you also write:

To my number one stalker, I mean fan, who inspired me this book?


JRome said...

I bought her book-- Ana's story, because it reminded me of my UNICEF internship experience.

Erin said...

Naturally, I am always more than happy to personalize book messages. We all know about my tendency, starting from the time that I was ery young, to write on anything that would stand still

Brynley said...

WOW! Now you really are a celebrity! Just remember the little people...