Thanet used to tell me that love isn't like it is in the movies. I would tell her that I was fully aware of that fact and then proceed to have these fantasies about men bringing me chocolates and adoring me (and completely honestly, Husband does those things). What I didn't have fantasies about was the fact that after you get married, it's not all butterflies, ponies, and roses.
Anyway, this weekend, for the first time since I've been married, I watched a girlie movie called, "The Holiday". By the end of the movie I was SO mad that I wanted to throw my shoe at the TV. I know that I should just roll with the punches and realize that this idealistic/problem free presentation of ideas is FICTION, but, you know me. I can't let go of it.
Here is my movie review:
Two women fabulous women who have fabulous jobs (amazingly enough, they are not college graduates who can't find a job. And, they also have no problems fitting into their size two clothes), are down and out because the men in their lives have let them down yet again (one is apparently sleeping with her blackberry instead of her boyfriend, something that is not entirely a bad thing). They decide to do a "house exchange" wherein they take over each other's houses for two weeks (there is NO WAY I would let a complete stranger take over my house), one in Surry, England, and the other in L.A. Cameron Diaz goes to England where magically, she is no longer attached at the hip with her blackberry and is therefore free to fall in lust/have sex with the first drunk Englishman who knocks on her door (to be fair, it is Jude Law. Normally, I don't find him attractive, but somehow in this movie, he is SOO pretty). Kate Winslet goes to LA and befriends a nice old man as well as Jack Black (Jack Black?? So much eye candy in Hollywood and you chose JACK BLACK? His eyebrows freak me out). In the end, naturally, they all love each other, and Cameron Diaz also seems to have absolutely no problems with the fact that Jude Law has two daughters (I don't care who you are. If you found out that the man you were sleeping with had children, there are bound to be SOME issues there). The very end of the movie shows them all dancing around in a living room in England, seemingly completely unaware that the next day, Cameron Diaz and Jack Black are going to have to go back to America (because after all, Cameron Diaz is addicted to her job). Roll credits.
See! It's disturbing! I think I'm going to have to ban movies like this from my house.
Thank you, Erin, for reviewing this movie for me. It looked dumb. Now it's been confirmed, and I don't have to waste two hours of my life trying it out.
I hated that movie. And Kate Winslet is not a size two. What other movie was I excited to see but hated as well? Oh, yeah, "Because I said so" with Lauren Graham (the whole reason I wanted to see it because I loved Gilmore Girls for the snarkiness of the dialogue). Dumbest movie on the planet.
Ok, Kate Winslet is a size 4. Or perhaps a size six. What I'm saying here is that she is still in the single digits and I'm not, even though I compulsively play "Dancing With the Stars" on the Wii.
The good news is that both Harry Potter and The Bourne Ultimatum come out on DVD next week. I know that the car wrecks in the Bourne Ultimatum won't be as good on our small screen TV, but at least I'll still get to see it again. Hands down, that is the best car wreck/series of car wrecks I have ever seen (even if it is thoroughly unbelievable).
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