Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Political Debates

I don't understand the need for political debates. Husband and I watched the Democratic debate the other day (and I hate to say that I thought Hillary looked pretty good despite the fact that she is clearly the spawn of Satan) and, even as we speak, I am watching the YouTube Republican debate.

The problem with debates, especially when there are 80 billion candidates, is that no one has time to address the issues, everyone fights over what someone did or did not say, and, let's be honest here, no one of the candidates know what they would do as president until they actually get to BE the president (I'm not saying that they don't have ideas).

I feel bad for this country. I feel bad for the candidates running for president. People expect whoever wins to fix all of the problems that we have. The questions tonight have ranged from gays in the military to the national debt to the price of oil to human space exploration. Listening to them is scaring me. It makes me very aware of exactly where this country is heading.

From what I've seen, there is not a single candidate up to this point that I can fully support (no, not even the Mormon). This is for many reasons, one of which is the fact that I don't think any one of these guys has any kind of a sense of humor. At least Hillary cracked some good jokes.

And just as a final note here, I was excited to see Chuck Norris (or someone who looks EXACTLY like him) at the debate tonight. Perhaps they should make him President. After all, he does have law enforcement experience - WALKER, TEXAS RANGER - my Grandma would have voted for him.

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