Heather tagged me. But, she wants me to write about Husband instead of myself. What's up with that? It's like she thinks she knows enough about me already. Well, I am here to tell you that this is NEVER the case. However, since Husband may never read this, I am going to feel free to make things up and therefore, it really will be more about me than him.
1. What is his name? Nicholas Jay Peters (and we are still fighting because he wants to name our first baby boy Nicholas Jay Peters, Jr. I don't think that anyone should have a comma in their name).
2. How long have you been married? 10 months, 2 weeks, and 6 days. Husband might think that it's been longer because he wanted to celebrate our six month anniversary when it had only been five months (and yes, he did a GREAT job on that celebration).
3. How long did you date? I don't think that this question applies to us since it was mostly long distance. However, from the time I first talked to him until the day we got married, I think it was 10 months.
It seems that I have put in two #3's. I am too lazy to go back and change it, though.
3. How old is he? He's 29. He doesn't like to have birthday parties, which cramps my style. I always thought that I would marry someone younger (due to the fact that I often act like I'm 10), but he beats me out by six months.
4. Who eats more? I think I do. I eat more desserts (I often eat whole cakes by myself) and I can eat him under the table with chicken wings. Then again, he is a former football player and we all know how much those guys can pack away.
5. Who said I love you first? I did. And I curse myself for it everyday because he tells ANYONE who will listen.
6. Who is taller? He is (and he also weighs more than me) and if he weren't, we wouldn't be married. You might think that it would be difficult to find a man who is shorter than me, but you would be wrong. Someone actually set me up with a guy once who was 5'1". He was also kind of a hermit. Needless to say, the date did not go well.
7. Who sings better? Me, of course. I also dance better, just in case you are wondering.
8. Who is smarter? I let him think he is. It works out well for me that way.
9. Whose temper is worse? I don't think Husband has a temper. But sometimes I wish he would get mad because it makes me even more mad when I'm mad and he's not.
10. Who does the laundry? I do, although Husband tries to do a token load every now and then. And, the funny thing is that he is more particular about how his laundry is done. I do pretty well at the washing, but I HATE, HATE, HATE to fold.
11. Who does the dishes? See the answer to the previous question.
12. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does. But sometimes he wants to switch and then I can't sleep at all. Then again, when it comes right down to it, he moves so much when he sleeps that you never know where he's going to end up. I also have to watch out for flying pillows, cover stealing, and having conversations at 3 am that he will never remember when he wakes up (and they are usually about how I am feeling).
13. Who pays the bills? We split them. I'm going to have to say that I am better at it, though.
14. Who mows the lawn? I only wish we had a lawn to mow. We do have a nice patch of weeds in the back of the house that Husband kills by pouring bacon grease on them.
15. Who cooks dinner? I think that I cook more often (Husband might disagree), but Husband cooks better meals. He has this crazy idea that following the recipe exactly makes better food.
16. Who drives when you are together? Husband always does. Boys are always supposed to drive when they are with girls.
17. Who is more stubborn? He is. I give up pretty easily. I think that most of our disagreements end with me saying, "Well, whatever..."
18. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? I try not to get into that situation at all because even if I am right, Husband will twist my words until I think that I'm not. He's really good at that, which NEVER works out well for me.
19. Whose parents do you see the most? His. My parents live SOOOO far away. I am still trying to get him to move to paradise AKA Nevada.
20. Who proposed? Neither of us did. I just told him that we were getting married. And I think that I told him about four days after I first talked to him. I think that I knew that he was really the one when he didn't freak out. Let's be honest, most people who want to get married before actually meeting the person are CRAZY.
21. Who has more friends? I think I do but I only have one that lives here (meaning that she lives in Houston, which is still almost two hours away). But, he knows way more people than I do.
22. Who has more siblings? I do. He only has one sister. I have six. That means that I am better.
23. Who wears the pants in the family? Mostly he lets me think that I do. He is right to do that. He does always let me choose where we eat when we eat out. But, he has yet to relinquish control of the TV remote. Even if I'm holding it, somehow, I look over five minutes later and he has sneakily taken it. I can never figure out how he gets it.
Questions we added on:
24. Who wins when you play "Dancing With the Stars" on the Wii? Erin does. She is so much better than me.
25. When Erin wins, do you throw a fit? Yes, I do. In fact, I will not play with her anymore.
26. Do you tell Erin that she is pretty everyday? Yes, I do. It is one of my best qualities.
27. Who is a better present giver? I am. I give the best presents in the world. Erin is horrible at gift giving.
28. What do you think is your wife's best quality? That she helps me out by picking my zits.
29. Do you secretly wish you could drive your wife's sweet 1996 Geo Prism instead of your brand new Honda? Yes.
30. Do you love Jack Bauer and "24" more than your wife? Yes. If my wife was in labor on the same night as Jack Bauer was on, I would choose Jack.
31. Do you secretly listen to country music in your car even though you tell your wife that you hate it? Yes.
I'm tagging Bryn, Tiffany Roundy, Liz Zimmerman, and Meta. I don't know if they actually read this blog, but if they don't, they should.
awesome!!! you are hilarious!
Of COURSE I read this blog!!!
But... what does it mean that I've been tagged? Apparently there's some lingo I don't know... ***sheepish grin***
Ummm...it means that you copy the questions to your blog and answer them. It will help us "get to know you" and help you to have even more to do besides studying for tests anmd writing papers and being general genius.
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