I had my interview at the college today. It was for a job as a student advisor in the nursing school. While I felt completely comfortable and pleased with all of my answers to their questions, I don't think that they are going to hire me. This is because all three of the interviewers didn't have a single facial expression for the entire 45-minute interview. They just sat there stone faced. In fact, they were more animated at the beginning of the interview when they decided it was a good time to spend 15 minutes talking about the GPS systems in their cars.
I left there and started crying - not because I don't think that I'll get the job (because if they're that boring, I don't want to work for them anyway). I cried because I am so frustrated with the whole job search. I have applied and applied and applied for jobs that I think I would be great at. I have applied in nearly every industry, for nearly every position (including a position with the local newspaper). Most of the time I don't even get a call back, but if I do, the interview is generally a bust.
I think that I am an intelligent woman with a lot of desirable qualities. So, why is it so hard for me to find a job that pays enough for me to actually live on? Why is it hard for me to find a job that I might actually enjoy? I've been looking for a year.
I feel like I'm wasting my time in applying for the jobs at all. And, I feel like I'm wasting my time at my current job because it's not what I want to do with my life. I have no idea what the next step is. Even if I did, right now, I'm just too frustrated to take it.
I have felt this same kind of frustration. I wish I had a good suggestion for you. :(
Maybe I should go back to school. Then again, I have a completely useless degree from BYU that hasn't gotten me anywhere so what makes me think that more education might actually help??
I really love being in Physical Therapy. It would be awesome if you found something you really liked to do, like if you could get a job as a funny person. I would hire you in a second.
Well, apparently they don't hire funny people at the Lamar University school of Nursing, so that job is out. Or perhaps it's just that they're scared to hire someone with an actual personality.
I loved teaching English in Japan. Of course, I think that the biggest reason why I loved it was because I was basically a superstar instead of a teacher.
Maybe I need a job as a superstar...
Hi Erin,
I can understand your frustration about job searching. I went through the same thing this past spring with trying to post-JET employment and will be going through it again in February when I move back to the U.S.
I would just advise to stay positive and eventually God will lead you to that job which is perfect for you.
Well, that's the whole problem! There are serious discrepancies between God's timing and my timing. Then again, as one of my friends says, "I make a plan and God laughs."
Erin, as you know, I have been looking for a job for the past 3 months and I understand somewhat what you are going through (see my entry- Employment Search 3 Dec 07).
One thing that's been helping me is attending the career workshop sponsored by the LDS Employment Services. It's free to anyone who needs assistance in finding full time employment.
Not sure if this is a good resource for you but it's been a good support system for me. It helps me find the right people and leads to the employment I am hoping to find. It also helps get the word out that I am looking for a job, many of my interviews have been due to finding and talking to the right people.
look at this site: www.providentliving.org
Click on Professional Placement and see if there's an Employment Service center near you. If interested directly sign up for the Career Workshop and also the Professional Networking class.
It may be a good lead for you. Good luck and keep up your optimism. Best of luck to you in your job search!
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