Sunday, October 08, 2006

You Can't Get More Country Than This...

So, for all of those of you who were looking for a fun and entertaining evening on Saturday night, I'm sad to say that you missed it. Good for you that I was there to capture the evening on film. It was the annual Neff Mill Meeting. This is the meeting where the entire valley gathers for free steaks provided by Novartis (vaccine), Purina Mills (grain), and good old Uncle John, owner and operator of Neff Mill found in Ruby Valley (meeting all of your grain and mineral needs right here in the Valley).

Before the event, Uncle John prints up and sends out an itinerary for the evening which includes several different fabulous presentations, all of which end by 8 pm since all of the Ruby Valley ranchers are getting along in years (the end is signified by a "Go Home").

This year, we enjoyed presentations on scour (calf diarrhea) vaccine, getting maximum weight gain on your bulls through proper graining techniques, and Uncle John talking about who knows what (I might be able to tell you but by that time, mom and I were in full swing ADD and were taking advantage of the free pens and notepads they had handed out).

Highlights of the evening included delicious steak, brownies, and a sighting of Rick Sharp, Valley funny man. For those wishing to participate next year, mark your calendars now. It may be your only chance to pick up some sweet door prizes such as hats that read "Herd Boss", some work gloves, or a nice digital "weather station"

Rich Sharp tells a funny joke...perhaps something along the lines of, "There are three things you should never look for the cheapest of: parachuttes, life preservers, and vaccine."

Anyone for a belt with their name on it? It's a shame it's not accompanied by a nice Wrangler butt...

Aunt Jeanne and dad saddle up for a rare brother/sister shot. I believe Jeanne made her own vest. Very nice.

Uncle John promotes Nevada State Bank and their special loan deal (for meeting participants only).

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