Yesterday I went to Wells High School on my fist assignment as a substitute teacher. The girl who works in the office just happens to be someone that graduated with me...Two out of the thirty-four in our class, reunited once again.
While she walked me back to my classroom, she caught me up on what was going on with all of the others that were in our class. I lost track about halfway through because there is only so much of: so-and-so had so-and-so's baby and then married so-and-so and had a baby with them but then got divorced and slept with so-and so. And did you hear about so-and-so? She's still married to the guy that beats her and has so-and-so's first child that he had with so-and-so in high school.
I mean, #1 are we still in high school? Apparently these people think so even though we graduated over 10 years ago and #2 despite the fact that my high school was tiny, I can barely remember any of the so-and-so's that are mentioned....not to mention their kids, who they slept with, who they married, or who beats them.
Sigh...Is this how the world really is? If so, it sucks.
Oh, and PS, the substitute teaching experience was really tons of fun. I was in the agricultural education classroom and got to teach a welding my skirt and new sequin covered shoes that I bought at the thrift store!
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