On the way home from Jackson Hole, we stopped in Idaho Falls to pick up a car that mom and dad had loaned to brother, Jesse. The only problem was that at there was no proof of license or insurance in the car (even though dad was sure that it was registered). Naturally, I told dad that I didn't think it was a good idea to drive a car in such a condition. Dad disagreed, boasting, "I drove the truck with an expired registration for six months before I realized it and never got pulled over."
So, ignoring my opinion we jumped on the road. We pulled up to the only traffic light in Wells at approximately 10:30 pm and noticed two highway patrolmen parked on a dirt patch (dirt patches out number traffic lights 427 to 1) chatting each other up. I looked at mom and said, "Hey, looks like the Wells Highway Patrol has nothing to do this evening."
Not thirty seconds later, due to mom's weak bladder (another downside of traveling with your 60-year-old mother), we made the fourth bathroom stop of the trip. Since we were driving behind dad to make sure that his car didn't break down, he pulled over to wait for us. Mom jumped out of the car and headed for the bathroom but not before she noticed that BOTH highway patrol cars had pulled up behind dad, lights flashing.
Turns out that the taillight COVER, not even the LIGHT, on the car was CRACKED (a product of a run-in with another car nearly five years earlier). Apparently a dangerous situation such as this requires not only ONE of our nations finest, but TWO, count 'em, TWO Highway Patrolmen, fully armed. They sauntered up to the side of the car to inform dad that his car was way below the requirements for safe highway driving and did so while shining a flashlight in his face.
When they asked for proof on insurance and registration, dad had to admit that he was driving without it....FOUR TIMES. We were sitting in our car watching him and I said, "Mom , look , I bet he's telling them the same thing over and over because he keeps using the same hand gestures." I can only imagine that the conversation went something like this:
Officers: So sir, you're telling us that you're driving without proof of license and registration.?
Dad: Yes, that's what I'm saying.
O: So you're saying that you drove this particular car all the way from Idaho Falls without proof of registration.
D: Yes, that's what I'm saying.
O: So, this gray car that you're currently driving...no proof of license or registration?
D: Uh-huh
O: Ok, so let me get this straight...
Ok, officers, I know that things are really slow here in Wells, Nevada on a Sunday night (even though we did pass Kenny Rogers' tour bus just outside of Jackpot, the highlight of ANYONE'S life), but REALLY! Ten dollars says that there's a meth party going on at the Big Pillow Hotel and an underage drinking party out at 12-mile and here you are, harassing and old man about a CRACKED taillight cover.
Good to know that #1, our tax dollars allotted to law enforcement are being used wisely and that #2 our highways are safe from hooligans that DARE to drive without proper coverage of a red light bulb on the back of their car.
That does sound pretty lame.
Well, at least the Japanese police had a good reasno for pulling me over. And, the only reason I laughed at them was because I used my amazing beauty to trick them into not giving me a ticket.
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