Friday, September 22, 2006

Come On, Willy!

Well, it seems that while I was away to Texas for the past week, many shocking things have happened in the world. #1 the pope upset the Muslims by saying something about religion not being spread by the sword so the Muslims are calling for a "day of hate" sometime next week to get back at him. Now if there was anyway to prove the pope wrong, the DAY OF HATE is it. #2 while the prime minister of Thailand was away at the UN conference in New York, the government was overthrown. Crap. And #3, obviously the most disturbing of all...Willy Nelson was incarcerated for possession of marijuana and mushrooms. Now you might think that Willy was throwing a drug fest for young, hot women, but as it turns out, it was just him and his 73-year-old sister. You would think that by the time you're 70 AND have been doing drugs for YEARS that you would figure out a way to at least hide while doing it. Come on, Willy.


Erin said...

Head out of the gutter, please Ms. Hanna!!

Erin said...

Man, did you check out my amazing English skills in that last comment? Really, it's amazing that no one in America wants to hire me to teach the youth of this country language skills.

The Pittmeister said...

I thought it was going to be some kind of political commentary hoping for the return of Bill Clinton and those wonderful years called the 90's.

Erin said...

No, sir. I try to stay away from politics as I actually know nothing about them.

The Pittmeister said...

But you do vote right?

Erin said...

Yeah, I've been known to cast a vote or two. Of course, I did miss the primary elections this past August because my absentee ballot got lost.

Bonin Boys Mom said...

I'm a little offended! I give you a fun-filled, glorious Texas vacation (including a fabulous trip to Mississippi) and deluxe accomadations at Chez Bonin Ranch and Willie's addiction troubles are what makes the blog. Leave Willie alone anyway, he shook my hand the last time he was in Beaumont--we shared a moment.