Sunday, July 06, 2014

I Never Thought I'd Sell Something...

I never thought I'd be one of those people who sells stuff. 

Because let's be honest, people who sell stuff are pretty annoying.

Most of the time. 

But, I tried the Jamberry nails and loved them.

They really do last the two weeks they promise if you apply them correctly (and if I can do it, anyone can)!

And then, since I loved them so much, I wanted to get a discount on them.

So, now I'm an official consultant.

That's a fancy word for "awesome".

But, look at how cool your nails can look!

I don't know why my hand looks yellow in the picture above...maybe I was messing with lemons.

Anyway, if anyone is interested in trying some or in hosting a party (I got NINE free and half price sheets of nail wraps during my online party...that's like $350 worth of stuff for FREE), let me know.  Because I'm fired up.  And beside that, my nails look fabulous.  They have 350 nail designs to choose from...and that's like 300 more than you'll ever look at.

Here's the link!

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