Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Where's the Beef?

Today the order from Zaycon Foods* came in.

I ordered twenty pounds of 93/7 ground beef at an amazing price.

I couldn't help but laugh when I picked it up in the church parking lot. 

Because it looks like this:

Excuse me.

I believe I ordered the LARGE ground beef.

Carolyn decided she wanted to have it for herself:

Then she figured out how cold it was:

Then Husband wanted to take a picture of me while I was holding the ground beef and looking sexy.

And BAM!

Sexy is what he got!

While editing the above picture, I was trying to take out the red-eye.

When I chose the reduce red-eye option, a little box popped up that said, "I'm sorry, we're having a hard time determining if this is a human or a furball."

Apparently me trying to be sexy kind of looks like a ferret.

Or a beaver.

For dinner, we cooked up some taco meat.

It's freakin' delicious.

It tastes almost exactly like Ruby Valley ground beef.

For real.

*Zaycon Foods delivers to locations all over the United States.  Check to see if there's a location near you and what events they're offering.  Seriously.  Great prices for bulk meats (people down here are canning some of the meat...I still don't know how I feel about canned meat).  YUM.


Shannon Ivy said...

split it up in individual pounds and freeze it!

Erin said...


Rondi said...

I vacuum sealed and froze 40 pounds today. Sealed them in one pound packages. Where's the beef? At the Petersens.