Thursday, November 24, 2011


I finished the Turkey Trot this morning.

And no, a Turkey Trot is not what you get after you've eaten undercooked turkey.


It didn't go as well as I'd hoped.

According to the timer on my phone, I finished in just under 36 minutes.

That's three minutes slower than my goal.

And that proves that setting goals is stupid.

I felt pretty good up until 2 1/4 miles.

For, behold, the final 3/4 mile descended upon me like a plague of Egypt.

My main mistake was that I greatly overestimated my own speed.

I found a girl that looked like she was going about as fast as I thought I ought to go because she looked like she was going pretty slow.

I followed her, zigzagging through the crowd (I'm sure I ran an extra 1/2 mile just doing that).

Turns out she was on a 9 minute mile pace.

Good grief, but if she looks like she's going that slow and she's actually running a mile 2 minutes faster than I want to, how slow do I look like I'm going??

I was beaten by the following people:

*all but three eight-year-old girls
*all but four of the 10Kers
*two men running barefoot
*the girl with the off the shoulder shirt
*the guy who started ten minutes after me because someone locked him in the port-a-potty

On the flip side, I beat the following people:

*the girl wearing nothing but a sports bra and a tutu
*the lady with the jiggly calves
*the girl who I was following who was running a 9 minute mile pace who had to stop to walk (SUCKA!)
*the man who at the starting line said to me, "Don't worry, I'll look out for you darlin'."
*the man dressed like a turkey

An extra special thanks to my biggest fan, Shannon, for getting up early on Thanksgiving morning to high-five me at mile 2 and make sure I wasn't that lady in the pink shirt who passed out at mile 1.25.

Oh, and a shout out to my sponsor, H&R Magic Books, (for all of your magic needs), who almost provided me with a t-shirt that read, "Magic THIS!"


Becky said...

Aren't you sick? I'm pretty sure times don't count when you are feeling under the weather.

At this point I'm just impressed with anyone who can go 5k.

My sister, the most un-athletic of us all, texted me this week saying she'd done a 5k in under 30 minutes. I wanted to poke her eyes out.

30 minutes is how long it currently takes me to pee and lace up my shoes.


Erin said...

Yes, I am still sick, but not REALLY sick. Just sick enough for my sinuses to have felt like they were on fire about 2 miles into the race...and also for the rest of the day.

There's another race in January. Maybe I'll be able to get down to 10 minute miles by then.

Rondi said...

Proud of you Erin

Clarissa Grover said...

36 minutes for 3 miles is nothing to scoff at, Erin (unless you're some freakin' african tour guide who runs up and down mountains in about 2 minutes,but really? What is that all about?) Point is: Rock on, sister!