Tuesday, June 15, 2010

So Not Slim

There's this lady at work.

The one who, every time I walk into her office, comments on how not slim I'm looking.

Most especially when I wear black.

Yesterday, she commented on my black wrap-around-shirt by telling me that I might not want to wear it anymore because it makes my belly look bigger than she thinks it is.

Um, no.

That's my actual belly size there, sister.

I reminded her that I am nearly 36-weeks pregnant. 

And I'm not supposed to be looking thin.

When you're 36-weeks pregnant, looking like a beached whale is totally in.

I also wanted to remind her that even before I was pregnant, I weighed in at just over 200 pounds...and was effectively a candidate for The Biggest Loser.

When I'm picking my clothes in the morning, I don't think about looking good, skinny, or in style. 

Instead, I think:

1.  Is it clean?  Or semi-clean?  Or at least not covered in stains?

2.  Does it fit without squishing my limited remaining lung or stomach space?

3.  Is there any part of my anatomy that's hanging out that shouldn't be?