Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Random Things

1.  Is there really any reason why people have to be so crusty?  There's a battle of wills going on between the powers that be here at Lamar and it's making everyone crusty.

2.  I now have a super-human sense of smell.  I can smell things from like 10 miles away.  Husband says I'm like a bloodhound.  He also said that he hopes this doesn't lead to me wanting to chase cars.

3.  The Big Boss just asked me for a spare hair tie.  Umm...if you're a man and you need a hair tie, that's a sign that you need to make an appointment with your barber.

4.  Today is Staff Appreciation Day here at Lamar.  That means we got a free fried chicken lunch.  With iced tea.  I understand I'm in the south and that iced tea is one of the beverages of choice, but is it too much to ask for a glass of lemonade?

5.  I just had pecan pie for the first time.


Kristina P. said...

I had pecan pie for the first time last year. Delicious!

jlbunting.com said...

Oh, you have been missing out. Pecan pie is delicious, my favorite pie! Although you did not leave your opinion of the pie, so maybe you don't agree.

Erin said...

I liked the pie ok - it was a store bought pie, so I'm looking forward to having a homemade one. Who even knew that it tasted like carmel?? Good grief, had I known that, I would have eaten it years ago. I always thought it was something gross under those pecans!

Becky said...

When I was pregnant, we rode the train from Illinois to Utah. I could smell the bathroom from three cars away. No lie. I made the mistake of brushing my teeth in the bathroom and had to throw the toothbrush away when we got home because it still smelled. Pregnancy is wonderful...