Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Week Three

This is the prettiest of the three tomato plants.  I must have planted the other ones crooked or something - they're kind of coming up sideways.  They're all growing fast and as soon as I feel like I can bend down for a prolonged period of time, I'll stake them up.

The eggplant is still looking a little weak, but still not dead.  I'm going to go ahead and pat myself on the back on this one.

The cucumber plant is growing like a weed.  Maybe it is a weed.  Maybe Lowe's ripped me off.  Anyway, I'm feeling very confused about this plant.  It's about 1.5 feet high now - I thought cucumbers were more of a vine-like plant, yet it just keeps growing up, not out. 

For comparison to last week, click here.


stephanie from texas said...

that is what your eggplant plant should look like so pat away!

Holli said...

I feel so inept. My plants look like crap. What soil are you using? How often are you watering/feeding them?

Help! :(