Monday, January 25, 2010

What I'm Thinking Today

1.  There really is no better snack than a box of cherry tomatoes.  My very favorite part is when you first bite down on them and suck the seeds out. 

2.  To the people driving behind me when I drive the school vans:  don't think I'm going to be picking up speed any time soon.  The air conditioner only works if you go 45 mph or less.  Plus, I'm not in a hurry to get anywhere - I take my time because it might be the one and only thing I get to do today.

3.  The weather is BEAUTIFUL.  It's days like this is wish I were a delivery truck driver.  And in the summer I wish I worked somewhere that I could just stay in the walk-in freezer.

4.  One of the cheeky ferrel cats at work actually climbed up on my lap today to try to stake it's claim on my mini-round pizza. 

5.  I'm currently trying to re-learn the nervous system and have come to the conclusion that my autonomic nervous system is all out of whack.  My sympathetic division is in overdrive and my parasympathetic division has shut down completely.  I know, I know...I'm so smart.  What it really means is that I'm completely freaked out about having a baby, my intestines don't work right, and my gag relex is so sensitive, I've revised my opinion on what a "sensetive" gag reflex is.

6.  We made some buttered oregano rolls last night.  They were delicious.  They needed more oregano, but how was I supposed to know that?

7.  I've been craving a California sushi roll for five days.  I'm pretty sure it's safe to eat since it's all cooked.  And I think The Lentil would be happy with the choice - with me as his mother, he's already 1/4 Japanese.

8.  We went to the temple again on Saturday.  This time we went with friends, Marshall and Shannon.  It was easily one of the shortest, most enjoyable sessions I've ever done in my life.  I mean, at least until Shannon started trying to hold my hand (ok, so she was wanting to look at my wedding ring, but I  APPARENTLY misinterpreted it.  At least that's what she says).


Anonymous said...

I dunno, Shannon IS a Ross...and those are some snuggly people. The first boy to hold my hand was one of those...and he's my first cousin. Sounds shady to me... =}

speedy_paddy said...

Lady Jane, would you get those bloody cats away from you. Pregnant ladies and cats do NOT mix! Even I know that much!

Holli said...

MMMmmmm.... I'm craving sushi too. I'll totally go score some with you. And, you're probably right about Shannon. She's really "fresh." Marshall complains about it all the time.

(Just kidding - Of course!)