Monday, November 02, 2009


I like Twilight.  Really, I do.  I've read the books - multiple times.  I've seen the movie and made fun of it with the rest of America.  But there always was something missing.  I couldn't put my finger on it until this morning:

I don't have my very own Bella and Edward Twilight Barbie set!

This is totally for real. 

The Bella and Edward barbies were released yesterday to members of the general public! 

So now I can buy them and make them kiss (that's what I used to do with my barbies when I was little).  And maybe I could punch the Bella-doll in the head for being so annoying. Kind of like voodoo. It really is a pity they don't have a Jacob enshrined in plastic...

The site says, "Can't you see the resemblace?"

And I say, "Ummm, no, Edward actually has the smoldering Ken Doll look on his face rather than the one he wears constantly in the movie:  the constipated, confused look."

The funniest thing about all this is that two days ago one of my co-workers (who literally owns a life-size cardboard cut out of Edward) was talking about the books and she said, "I don't know what it is about those books!  They're just so well written!"

Those books are a lot of things - well written isn't one of them.


Kristina P. said...

Oh, no.

Porter Family said...

Ha ha!!!! That is hilarious. Do they have a Jacob doll that transforms into a werewolf? That would make a great Christmas gift. Well-written is definitely NOT related to that book series. ;) have you read hunger games? You'd love it (really)!

JRome said...

I couldn't agree more. I was in the movie theater and when the Twilight previews showed up, I couldn't help but make loud comments of how the movie portrays girls as hapless saps who can't live without their guy...

Independent and strong she ain't. Since when did lust switch places with love?

If this is what it means to be romantic then I think I better go get my own set of dictionary.

Shelby Bingham said...

I think many people think that a book is written well if it is one that is so interesting they can't put it down or something to that effect -- completely different definition for the term. I've heard the same thing said about the Harry Potter books.

I'm not too surprised about the dolls -- although how many kids are there that have read the Twilight books and/or seen the movies AND still play with Barbies? My guess is: not many (or I should say there shouldn't be many given the content). So I now know that the people buying these dolls will be teens/adults/old ladies/other. Kind of disturbing actually.