Thursday, September 24, 2009

Help If You Can

I was just reading the blog of a cousin of a friend. Here's what she has to say:

Bronwyn, the Diplomat's Wife, just posted on her blog that she is looking for baby clothes and supplies for a hospital she volunteers at. If you have some stuff that isn't getting used in the near future or if you just want to help you can go over to her blog for the info on how to contact her. She lives in Tunis, which is in Tunisia, which is far, far away. But she has an American address so you can let the government pay for half the shipping. Let's help babies!!

Good grief, I clicked on the link and I cried. Especially for Beaumont people who read this and want to help, I will be collecting stuff to send. Or, leave her a comment and she'll send you all of her contact information and you can send your own!

1 comment:

Shelby Bingham said...

Okay, I just deleted my comment because I hadn't read the blog yet and realized what I posted wasn't what you needed. I would love to give something, so when do you need it by?