Monday, July 13, 2009

What I'm Thinking Today:


...I could find my plethora of white undershirts. I know they didn't just disappear. I need them. Preferably the ones without sweat stains in the armpits. hair would stop the revenge it's been waging on me for the last three years. eyelashes would look like Eva Longoria's. I mean, we wear the same mascara so logically our eyelashes should look the same.

I HOPE... rains. The rain is one of southeast Texas' only redeeming qualities and even that's been markedly absent.

...we get to go to a festival this year. I'm craving some meat on a stick. And some funnel cake. And I like to laugh at all the parents whose kids are out of control. one can smell the turkey juice I spilled on my skirt during lunch. Is someone eating turkey? Nope. It's just Erin's skirt.


...Husband appears to love me just the way I am. Bless his heart. He's a near saint.

...I still have all my teeth. One woman in the office today doesn't. That can't be nice.

...the first half of my kinesiology test is over. Good grief but I just couldn't get the information to stick in my brain.


...balmy summer nights. Where you can sit outside and look at the stars and don't feel like the air is suffocating you.

...Japanese drinking parties. They never ceased to be entertaining.

...all the girls. Thanet and Grainne. Mom and Nancy. Jen and Amber. Emily and Heather. Heidi and Jenny. And all the way back whens.


...for Harry Potter this weekend. I don't know if I've mentioned this before...

...for Ruby Valley at the end of August. Tickets have been purchased! is over in 10 days. Let the internship fun begin!


stephanie from texas said...

i am not sure if i mentioned it but i have tickets to tonight's showing of Harry Potter and they were only $4. YAY!!! but how am i going to stay awake until aftermidnight?!?!

stephanie from texas said...
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The Livingstones said...

i had no idea harry potter was coming out. that's what having no tv will do for you. we miss you too and we can't wait for you to come visit. then we won't need a tv. i have lots to update...on my blog. give me another day to start posting again!

speedy_paddy said...

Miss you too Lady! xx