Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sleep Conversationalist

I believe I may have mentioned Husband's extraordinary talent as a sleep conversationalist. No, not just a sleep talker. That would be way too usual for him. He answers questions, starts his own conversations, and even at times displays multiple personalities.

This is the conversation we had the other night:

Me: Husband! Please roll over!

Husband: Why are you trying to wake me up?

Me: I'm sorry, but you're snoring!

Husband: I would get mad at you but you're a princess and princesses can't get in trouble.

Me: Glad to hear it. I'll remember that.

Husband: Yeah. Baby? What are you going to dress up as tomorrow?

Me: What's tomorrow? Are you even awake?

Husband: Of course I'm awake (while flipping his hand at me like Tim Gunn or Clinton Kelly telling you that your outfit is just horrible) I'm just worried about tomorrow because I want you to look so, so pretty. I always worry about you being pretty.

He claims he remembers none of this. And, on top of that, he's trying to rescind the part about princesses not getting into trouble...

1 comment:

Holli said...

I love the sleep conversations. It reminds me of my sister who is also talented at this art. She would offer to let me borrow her clothes while sleeping and then totally go back on her word in the waking hours!