Monday, May 18, 2009

I'm Bad at Being Sick

1. I called in sick to work today. I think I might be the worst caller-in-sick person in the world. Despite the fact that I honestly do feel horrible, it might have been better to just go to work. Because now I am wracked with guilt. I've called in sick only twice in the last two and a half years. When I'm gone everyone else has to do my work - I hate it when I have to fill in for someone else. It also doesn't help that I'm also taking off Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday for Sea World and Thanet's wedding.

2. Despite the fact that I'm feeling guilty, the weather outside is BEAUTIFUL - no humidity. I can barely wait for the time of my life when I don't have to get up and go to work so I can enjoy days like this. I wonder when that will be.

3. We finally put Husband's old text books on yesterday. Six of them have sold in less than 24-hours. Naturally, I'm a little obsessed with it. It's just so exciting to make money off of things that were doing nothing but collecting dust. I'm now looking around to find out what else I can sell. The only thing I've come up with so far is one of my kidneys. It's in super good shape.

4. The only problem with selling things is that you then have to make a trip to the post office to send them off. That means an hour wait in a long line carrying heavy books while having to listen to (and smell) the smoker lady behind you complain about how postage rates have gone up. She might also cough on the back of your leg and then offer you one of the multiple prescription drugs she's carrying in her purse.

5. Yesterday at church was easily the worst Sunday I've had since I started teaching Sunbeams. The kids were horrible. Or, I should say that the boys were horrible. I wish, wish, wish that instead of making them sit still we could take them outside and let them run until they were too exhausted to do anything but sit. The one high point was taking one of the little girls to the bathroom. On the way there, she was holding her crotch just like all little girls do when they badly have to go to the bathroom. She looked at me and said, "Yeah, I like to hold it like this because if I don't, things might fall out." She's only three but she talks like a big person and that cracks me up.

6. Husband took me to see Angels and Demons this weekend. I thought it followed the book really well and was impressed with all the religious details they included, but it was just too sensational. Plus, Tom Hanks was never wrong. It made him seem more like a know-it-all than anything else.

7. I finally picked my first green pepper this morning. Hopefully it will unburden the plant enough for it to produce another one!

8. Husband finally got sick and tired of listening to me talk about how I wish I knew Spanish. He purchased a computer program and downloaded it onto the computer - the kind of program that guarantees that you will be able to speak Spanish in like three hours. We've really had a good time with it and I think it's now safe to put that I am a fluent Spanish speaker on my resume. After all, I know the words for milk, apple, and bike. Husband went outside the box and asked someone at work how to say, "The lady is fat and stupid." That's pretty much all you need in any given situation.


Ms. Hen said...

That's why it's nice to work in a school district where you don't even have to talk to a person when you call in sick. It's all done with the computerized phone system, so I never have to wonder if I sound as sick as I feel. I feel much less guilty now than I ever did when I had to call in sick to a person.

The Livingstones said...

1. Cameron and I both had the flu yesterday. It really sucked. But - we did enjoy just drinking gatorade all day. When Tyler came home at lunch, I was laying in bed in a tank top with my underwear hanging out, and may hair was a mess. "Get all dressed up for company, did you?" Ha ha. I don't get sick very much - so just let me have my day!
5. I find that letting little boys run around only gives them more energy. Unless you run them around for like 2 or 3 hours.