Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Ok, Brett, That's Enough

Dear Brett Farve -

I respect all that you've done. I mean, division championships, NFC championships, Super Bowl appearances, and a Super Bowl win. Wow. I would just like to mention that when I was at Wells High School and was a total track star, I also won division championships. In fact, three times more of them than you did. And I won state twice (ok, so I didn't win by myself. Both of them were relays but that's beside the point). Not that it's the same thing, I just wanted to let you know. And relive some of my glory days.

And it seems to me, Brett, that this is what you are trying to do as well - ahhh...the glory days. In fact, for your entertainment, I've decided to help you do so by including this excerpt from your Wikipedia profile: "Favre began his freshman year as the seventh–string quarterback (at Southern Miss) and took over the starting position in the second half of the third game of the year against Tulane on September 19, 1987. Favre, despite suffering a hangover from the night before and vomiting during warm-ups, led the Golden Eagles to a come-from-behind victory with two touchdown passes."

Nothing like getting knocked around while also suffering from a hangover at the tender age of 18! Oh, Brett! The memories! So classy!

But, Brett, let's get one thing straight: after one comeback, your next comeback isn't really considered a comeback. And neither is your third one. Otherwise, it's just called a "hang around". And all this retire, not retire, comeback stuff is like crying wolf. Pretty soon, no one will believe you.

Maybe you should consider getting a job in the real world. Really. Give it up, brother. Just a suggestion.



P.S. While speaking to Husband (who served his mission among your also-super-classy drug dealing kinfolk, many of whom had recently been sprung from the slammer thanks to your celebrity) about you getting a different job, he made this astute observation, "He graduated from Southern Miss. He might not qualify for a real job."

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Amen sister. I just keep wondering if there is something we are missing here. I mean, I think I have yet to meet a person that doesn't agree with this. Why is he not seeing it??? He could have retired and been remembered as one of the greatest of all time. Now he will still be one of the greatest...but also one of the greatest jokes of all time.