Since his regular doctor wasn't in for the weekend we we ended up driving home for a quick ER visit (I just want everyone to know that I had to do the driving and it was through very heavy rain and even though I felt like I was going to pee my pants in fright, I totally held it together, thanks to Husband's encouragement).
I should have known that quick is not in the dictionary at the ER and five hours after our arrival they sent us packing as they'd apparently just found out there was nothing they could do and that he would have to see his regular doctor because they don't do knee fluid removal there.
They did, however, arm Husband with some crutches-that-are-as-tall-as-me and two shots in the rear end.
The good news of the day is that the ER, just like the bus station is full of specials to keep you entertained. I was unable to get any pictures, but some of them may have looked like this:

Except imagine this guy with some sweet tattoos on his neck and a Mr. T starter kit gold chain...

And the guy above might have been trying to pick up on the woman below...
Awesome does not begin to describe it...
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