Sunday, April 26, 2009

Temple Blessings?

Today at church I showed the kids a picture of Husband and I standing outside the temple on our wedding day. The lesson was on being thankful, so I was asking different questions about what the temple means to us. I said, "Do you guys know what blessings you get when you're married in the temple?"

Child-From-Hell raised his hand and blurted out, "YOU GET SOME BOOTY!"

I admit it. I laughed. So hard I almost peed my pants. Because technically, in most cases, he's right.


Holli said...

Gabi told me about that... Man, he is something.

diana said...

soooo funny!

Kristen said...

Okay, so is this the CTR class of 5 year olds!?! So hilarious!

Porter Family said...

seriously, write a book.

Erin said...

No, Kristen, not 5 year-olds. THREE-YEAR-OLDS! Seriously.