Monday, January 26, 2009

Let's Celebrate Together

1. I hope that everyone was able to celebrate the big holiday yesterday - Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day. If you missed it, please be sure to write it on your calendars for next year - the last Monday in January. I mean, if you are going to appreciate anything, it might as well be bubble wrap.

2. There's gotta be something in the water down here. Everyone and their dog is pregnant. Seriously. I know someone who is pregnant AND has a pregnant dog.

3. And speaking of being pregnant, if I didn't know any better, I would think I was pregnant as well. I've had nearly a week of nausea, dizziness, back pain, and severe headaches and can't figure out why. The only thing I can think of is that I'm feeling proxy pains for my co-worker - she's pregnant and feels just fine.

4. I am going to be needing people to volunteer to let me practice massage on them here shortly. I expect anyone who reads this blog to travel to Beaumont, shuck their clothes, and let me poke and prod them (in a very professional way, of course.)

5. I found mouse droppings in our bathroom cabinet the other day. I'm trying to convince Husband that this calls for the acquiring of a kitty. He's pretending not to hear me.

6. For the person in New Jersey who is trying to fax stuff to The Doctor's cell phone, KNOCK IT OFF. It is really annoying him and in turn, he is really annoying me.

7. Note to self: When I get old and can't remember which doctors I have or have not been to, make sure I either keep a list with me at all times or bring someone with me who can remember. That way I won't have two CT scans in less than a month.

8. The Receptionist made me cupcakes over the weekend. I am sorry, but cupcakes are the most delicious dessert on the whole damn planet.

9. I really don't like being told what to do. Does that mean I'm snotty?

10. Is it time to go home yet? This day has been at least 437 hours long.


The Livingstones said...

sometimes i think i want a cat too....then i remember that stupid biggelsworth who peed on our bed....and phillip...who got beat up by a bigger, tougher cat (it didn't take much), then bled all over our comforter. cats for me. we have plenty of space now...when spring hits....we'll get a puppy - an OUTSIDE puppy. i like animals - just don't want a bunch in our new house.
PS - speaking of pets, bambi got run over yesterday.

Porter Family said...

1. We celebrated bubble wrap appreciation during the entire month of december. Every time we'd get a package that contained bubble wrap it would go straight on the floor and the kids (and us) would proceed to stomp on it until all the bubbles were popped. Awesome use of time.

3. That's so nice of you to feel sympathy pains. So nice. You're just so giving and awesome like that.

4. I can't fly to Beaumont, but you're more than welcome to come here!!! I'll get you at least 20 subjects.

5. Is it me, or does Husband have selective hearing??

9. Yes.