Monday, December 15, 2008

They Should Cancel Mondays

1. I am going to write to my congressman. I think they should cancel Monday and if not Monday, at least Monday morning. If they can do Daylight Savings Time, they can do no-Monday weeks.

2. I am completely against people bringing treats for their church classes on a regular basis. I don't think you should have to bribe kids to be good at church. I also happen to think that a whipping for some of them wouldn't be a bad idea.

3. And speaking of kids, I think that I've come to the conclusion that I don't like them. ANY OF THEM. My young women's advisor in church, Deanna Vance, used to say that the only kids she liked were her own. I used to think she was crazy but now I think she's right on. I was randomly chosen out of all of the people walking down the hall at church yesterday to teach the eight kids in the 10-11 year old primary class. I wanted to maim several of them. I felt the same way most of the time about the 13-16 year olds I used to teach. And the two-year-olds I had in nursery. If you'd asked me two years ago, I would have told you that I love kids.

4. I made a giant batch of bon bons last night. I don't know if they're really all that good or if they're just nostalgic. For me, that was the end-all-be-all of Christmas treats when I was little.

5. I have my first test in my massage class today - one on kinesiology. I think I've pretty much got the material down-pat. The only problem is that I have to do matching for the medical terminology. The definition they gave me for "skeleton" is "dried up". If that's not the stupidest thing I've ever heard, I don't know what is.

6. The snow from last week is melted. It's supposed to be 75 degrees for the rest of this week. We had to switch the air conditioner on again last night. I wish the weather would make up it's mind.

7. I decided to go the extra mile and put makeup on today. I feel fully ripped off because I don't look any different. Seriously.

8. I'm hoping Husband's new job gets better. Last week he had to work six full days. Bless his heart, he's so tired.

9. I am so sad that regular season college football is over. I can't wait until bowl season starts. Of course, I have class on National Championship night. I might just have to call in sick.

10. I'm at a loss as to what to get Husband for Christmas. He refuses to give me any valid ideas. I guess that means I will get what I want, give it to him, then turn around and use it myself. Unfortunately, I think that means he will be getting new tires for my car.