Naturally, all the Texans are freaked out - there are accidents all over the place. Schools are closed and there is a warning on the radio to "not go out unless you absolutely have to." I, on the other hand, am ecstatic. I went through my closet to decide which of my six scarves I was going to wear (and don't forget my blue, sequined ski hat). I haven't been able to wear a scarf since I moved here. Of course, I'd forgotten that driving in a scarf is like driving in a horse collar...took some re-getting used to.
The funniest people that I've seen so far is the road crew trying to do snow removal with their front end loader. Hysterical. All of them were just standing on the road looking completely lost. The good news for them is that it's supposed to warm back up to 60 degrees by this afternoon, 73 by tomorrow. So much for a white Christmas. And getting any sort of use out of my awesome winter gear.
Yay for snow!!! I remember they once closed school down in January because of ice--actually it was because the schools weren't equipped with heaters so we'd all freeze. It's almost the same, right?
Haha- you would think it snowed that much here in Austin by the way everyone was talking about it... but no we had some ice pellets from the sleet on my car and stuck to my really long grass in the back yard (which was just far enough away from planet earth to stay frozen long enough into the morning for me to see it).
I almost had a photography client cancel on me last night because it was supposed to freeze this morning... no forecast of rain, snow, sleet it was just supposed to be cold and maybe the roads would reflect this cold weather.
Seriously- they thought the weather being really cold would affect driving.
What is this world coming to?
erin: snuggies are on the way.
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