Thursday, October 02, 2008

What Makes Me Happy

  1. Any text message or telephone call from Husband throughout the day
  2. The black cat that lives across the street - he lets me pet him
  3. A Dr. Pepper with ice. I've been trying to quit, but why? SOOO good.
  4. When Husband has a good belly laugh
  5. Sun on my face...and arms...and legs
  6. My orange Nalgene bottle
  7. Any mail that's not junk mail
  8. Painting my fingernails and toenails - the redder the better!
  9. Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake and Slave by Brittany Spears. AWESOME.
  10. My iPod shuffle
  11. Sparkly hair things
  12. When it gets cold enough to wear a sweatshirt
  13. My car starts everyday
  14. Holding Husband's hand
  15. My bed - the softest bed in the world
  16. A clean bathroom and freshly laundered (and folded) clothes
  17. Hot fudge sundaes
  18. Being with my mom and dad
  19. Little kids who say funny things
  20. A sore stomach from laughing so hard it hurts
  21. Finding money I didn't know I had - even if it's $1
  22. Friends who really know me
  23. Church songs that pop into my head right when I need them
  24. Cinnamon tooth paste with Scope
  25. College football
  26. The candy jar at work
  27. Traveling/Road Trips
  28. Grainne's Irish accent and Irish sayings (and that she now wears dresses)
  29. Chapstick
  30. Any day that doesn't include a headache
  31. A flip flop tan on my feet
  32. When Husband cooks
  33. When fall comes and my electric bill goes down
  34. Being outside
  35. Getting off of work early
  36. Men that wear good smelling cologne
  37. Writing with a good pen
  38. Weight loss shows
  39. Freshly squeezed lemonade
  40. People who do their jobs
  41. The Cougar Fight song as my ring tone
  42. A good book
  43. Any day Husband doesn't have to go to work
  44. An afternoon nap
  45. The smell of the charcoal grill
  46. People who keep their tempers
  47. Movies I can watch over and over without getting tired of them
  48. Leaves turning
  49. Fresh fruits and vegetables
  50. Knowing that whatever happens, I will be ok


The Livingstones said...

ah - i remember the day when we used to be roommates. i think i suggested one time that you clean the bathroom. you quickly explained that you didn't DO bathrooms. and...i quickly explained that, actually, if you use it, you DO do it. i'm glad to see you've been reformed.

Erin said...

Yes, I am happy to say that I learned to clean bathrooms on my mission - they made us clean the hair off the drains in the women's showers and clean the toilets on three floors for service. Ever since then, I actually really like to clean toilets (and it's a shame you got married and we couldn't be roommates because you would have known this before now). I still hate to do the vanities, though. I do them. But I hate it.

Amber Bailey Stevenson said...

I would agree to many things on your list.(except for the Dr. Pepper!) You are really good at putting things down on paper. One thing I would add to the list that Tyson just doesn't get it freshly laundered sheets and making your bed then getting in it. I love that!

Spencer is good he got married about 2 years ago and has the cuttest little boy(10 mo old) he looks like he could be Mae's brother. I will have to put a picture of him on my blog. Spen is just starting to work towards getting his journeyman electrician license. He is doing well

Porter Family said...

Even better---Vanilla Dr. Pepper with Sonic ice. You have the cougar fight song as your ring tone? I still have nightmares when I hear it because that's how my parents used to wake us up in the morning. Flip on the lights (ALL of them) and press the keychain button and sing along. Scary.

Erin said...

Hey, my mom used to do that, too! Despite that fact, I love the Cougar Fight song. Husband makes me sing it a couple of times a week...he thinks it's hilarious.

As far as Sonic goes, I LOVE the ice there. Not so sure about the vanilla Dr. Pepper...never had one!