Thursday, August 28, 2008


1. I don't understand the need for a Democratic Convention (or a Republican one either). All it is is a bunch of excited democrats talking to other excited democrats who are already excited about voting for the excited democrats. Wouldn't you think it would be better for them to talk to people who could care less about voting or those who are still on the fence as to who they are voting for? Then again, I guess I have been watching it. I am not a democrat but I may have to vote that way unless John McCain changes some of his views.

2. I was just wondering if maybe we could have naked day at work. It is still SOOOO hot in southeast Texas and I'm tired of my clothes sweating to my body. If not a naked day, perhaps a swimsuit day wherein we could put a slip-and-slide down in the parking lot (being careful to not lay it over any of the ginormous potholes)?? It would have to be a padded one, though, or else our geriatric patients would break hips, legs, arms, etc.

3. After a week-and-a-half of working 9-4, going back to the regular schedule today has been BRUTAL. My guess is it's just going to get worse! Can't we stay on the 9-4 schedule and still get paid for the 8:30-7:00 one?

4. What's the deal with me having gray hair? I have two huge streaks of it right in the front of my head, right on the part. I would go get my hair colored but I'm currently in between stylists. Who can honestly afford $140 to get their hair done (and still end up with the worst haircut of all time)?


The Livingstones said...

the political conventions are excellent places for old fat political finatics to embarass themselves when their geriatric dance moves are caught on tape.

Brynley said...

You DON'T want naked day at work, trust me. You KNOW that Crazy would pick that day to come in, and nobody, especially you, wants to see that.

Erin said...

Hey, thanks to the fact that Crazy has already run out of the bathroom with her pants around her ankles AND has pulled her shirt and bra up IN THE WAITING ROOM to show me a "weird rash" on her breasts, I've already seen it all.