Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ms. Expert

Does anyone else know someone who ALWAYS knows they're right? I'm not talking about the ones who THINK they're right, I'm talking about the ones who KNOW it.

I happen to have one of these in my life right now. It doesn't matter what the topic is. It can range from car maintenance to animal husbandry to the Olympic medal count to medical terminology. And, regardless of what it is, she will fight relentlessly, tooth and nail to prove that she is right even if she's so far off base it's laughable.

To top it all off, she also happens to be VERY LOUD - I know, coming from me, that's a bold statement. I seriously thought I was the loudest person in the world until I met her.

It's gotten to the point that I just agree with everything she says - the argument that would inevitably ensue is just not worth my time.

Of course, this promulgates her smarty-pants-know-it-all attitude. She continues to think that you CAN'T be disqualified from the 200 meter run for stepping out of your lane, Angus cattle are red, cheetahs live in Jamaica, and "pecicify" is a word (instead of specify...that's a word...and so is pacify...pecicify...NOT SO MUCH).

I guess the good news is that she has GREAT self-esteem as to how smart she is...

1 comment:

Porter Family said...

I am pretty sure one of her relatives lives here!