Nearly half of our patients called today wanting medication refills due to the fact that they are evacuating TODAY. It was all anyone in the office could talk about.
For those of you who don't live here, I have provided a nice graphic wherein you see that Hurricane Gustav is clearly going to hit New Orleans. Besides, James Brown of KFDM said the chances of Gustav hitting Beaumont are like 1 in 100 billion (I put my trust in anyone who is named after the King of Funk).
Perhaps I am the only one here who is NOT losing my mind (I admit I am upset about the 20 cent/gallon increase in the price of gas in the past 24-hours). Numerous people have pointed out that this is because I am the only one who has not been through a Category 3 (or, for weather nerds, "Cat 3") hurricane before. Ummm... yeah, but I've totally been in like sixteen earthquakes and five typhoons- it equals the same thing!
Don't get me wrong, I realize the damage hurricanes cause and that they are to be taken very seriously. If this thing gets close, I will be the first in line to get out of here (I can't survive without power and therefore, air conditioning). But, don't you think we ought to wait until it at least gets into the Gulf of Mexico before freaking out?
I agree ... totally agree ... it is CRAZY!
Hurricane Rita a few years ago was quite the experience ... I NEVER desire to go through all that MESS again! It was horrible ... by horrible I mean it was total chaos!
Erin, honestly, there was a level 5storm in the center of a level 3! (now me writing level 5 is an analogy of course). We went up to Lufkin ... the lines to get gas ... oh my goodness ... it was over a hour wait! There was a riot at the Lufkin Walmart store! So many stories!
Anyways, we stayed with my Dad (who lived in Lufkin) and what happened? Lufkin had a level 1 hurricane ... we had NO ELECTRICITY ... and talk about HOT! Oh my goodness ... I thought I had died, and I didn't make it to heaven ... I was in that hot furnace called hell! LOL
Months after the storm experience ... when I attended any preparation classes at church ... when the question directed to me was "Sister Montes, what did you learn from the hurricane?" My quick reply was "I'm going west, to the desert!" I desire cool air, TV, places to eat out, etc, etc, etc.
BTW ... I enjoy reading your blogs!
Sincerely, Thereasa
I hear ya, Erin. I totally blogged about the same thing a bit ago. And, I've been through a "Cat 3." Thanks for offering some optimism. I NEED IT! Where are you and Nick headed if it does get bad?
Nick is saying Arkansas to see his dad. But, if it really comes and it's going to be a long process to get back home, I am going to Nevada. And I might stay there. FOREVER. There are no hurricanes there.
You are always more than welcome to head up our way. You can stay as long as you want. We have bottled water and LOTS of air conditioning. We'd love to have you. :)
How about Royal City, WA. I still have garden tomatoes....
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