Last night, for the first time in three years, I attempted to go for a jog. Ok, so a walk-jog. I'm trying to follow this program called, "from couch potato to 5K runner in just two months".
How did it feel? HORRIBLE. It was HOT HOT HOT, I was jiggly, and I was out of breath after about 25 seconds of what I will call a "shuffle" over a 1/4 mile (which I forced myself to do twice).
I had that taste in my mouth - the one I used to get on my first day of a new track season in high school. It's a mixture of wanting to throw up, wanting to lay down and die, and wondering how on earth you are going to make it to the end of your course when you can't even make it to the next mile marker.
It was more than embarrassing. The walking path was full of people - in front of me and behind me who got a full view of my wobbly bits slopping up and down. I thought that if I stopped to tie my shoe, perhaps they would pass me...they didn't. I had to let go of all of my neuroses and just run, dragging all 200 pounds of Erin while also thinking, "WHY DID I EVER LET MYSELF GET THIS FAT AND OUT OF SHAPE??"
The good news is that when I finished I really felt like I had really accomplished something. Of course, this morning, I am still the same clothing size, I still want to eat the ENTIRE chocolate cake in the break room, and I still have to exercise tonight. I wish to high heaven there was something I could do ONE TIME that would fix me up exercise-wise for the rest of my life. Is that too much to ask?
Be proud of the jiggly bits... always remember- you are out there making progress. Screw anyone who dares judge you.
It gets better. Okay that might be a half lie... it gets better in about 16 weeks.
16 weeks? Good grief. Why didn't you lie and tell me it would take 3? I can do three.
I am training for a 5K...I know I know (training is something you should say about a marathon, or triathalon...but not for me.) I have to train to run up the block at not pass out. Three weeks ago I started running, and I haven't done it in, well a long time. I can only wear stretchy pants, otherwise the horrid chaffing occurs from my thunder-theighs, and there is nothing more humbling than squeezing 200 pounds in stretchy pants and then running....I feel horrible for those around me. At first I thought there was someone running behind me, but it was just my trunk full of junk.
I a running my first 5K on Saturday. It has been three weeks and I can run 2.5 miles without stopping, so I think I might be able to finish in less than 45 min! That is my goal anyways. It gets better. The first 2 days are awful.
I am eating lime sherbet while typing this...and I wonder why I am so fat...Go figure!
Sorry about the journal entry. Good luck!
im just laughing--
i just baught a tv infomercial latin dance dvd--the problem we live on the 3nd floor & i dont wanna break the light fixtures in the unit below. haha!
also jiggly parts arent visable to passerbys.
They may not be visible to passersby, but they are visible to the woman who has been walking five feet behind you for an hour and a half...and if she passed me, I'm sure she would see my gut bouncing...just like a trampoline.
Latin it up, baby!!
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