However, due to outrageous food prices and the fact that the people on CNN said that the only major retailer who had not increased prices was Walmart, I felt that I had no choice but to return to the dark side. I figured I could save a little money as well as get everything that I need with one-stop-shopping.
Here are my keen observations:
- 79% of all Walmart shoppers talk to themselves (and it seems that there are at least a million people in the store at any given time).
- Despite the fact that Beaumont Walmart employs approximately 35 billion people, it would be simply silly to assume that their job description includes assisting customers.
- You must carefully plan your shopping route or you will end up walking from one end of Walmart to the other at least six times.
- The checkers at Walmart are not educated in the names of vegetables - and they will feel free to ask you to identify EVERY vegetable you have chosen to buy. I should have just let the lady assume that my yellow squash and zucchini were bell would have cost less.
- If the checker slams down your very large bag of charcoal and it splits open, you should not expect the bagger, who is busy talking on his cell phone, to run ALL THE WAY TO THE BACK OF THE STORE to get another one. Great exercise FOR YOU compliments of Walmart.
- Going back to the bagger, it is also wrong to expect him to actually bag your groceries...that phone call must be REALLY important.
- There are apparently invisible trip wires all over the store installed especially for people who are carrying 2 litre bottles of soda. This has to be true because I saw THREE people, with my own eyes, who dropped those bottles (and the bottles consequently exploded). That's not normal.
- People at Walmart are not embarrassed to stare unabashedly at you. I kept trying to find places to look at myself to make sure I didn't have a monkey on my head.
- While Walmart carries everything you could ever want, they only sell ONE set of measuring cups. And, the fun part is that they are hidden behind the measuring spoons. Scavenger hunt!!
- You DO NOT save money by shopping at Walmart. True, some things were cheaper, but for the most part, HEB matches them cent for cent (and, SHOCKINGLY most of the things I buy at HEB are cheaper). I guess that means I can return to my HEB comfort zone and turn away, once again, from the dark side.
me being from the South LOVED Wal-Mart until I married my husband who REFUSES to shop at Wal-Mart. He showed me Costco and I have never turned back. Yes Wal-Mart has EVERYTHING but who wants to fight for it? Not us...
What I wouldn't give for a Costco.
If you must go to WalMart, go to Lumberton. It is only about 10 minutes away and super nice. We go to the one in Liberty, and really like it. Before that, I refused to go into Beaumont Wal-Mart, and almost any Wal-Mart for that matter. Those 2 are really nice, though.
Beaumont Wal-mart is HORRIBLE. Everyone knows that...
I thoroughly enjoyed this post because I shop at Wal-mart, and not by choice. That's what happens when you live in the middle of nowhere. I attempted to boycott it a couple of years ago, and that only lasted about a week. One of my favorite experiences there was when I attempted to get a questioned answered (yeah, right) about a car seat. The manager of the infant department didn't know the answer so she went to get "the guy from electronics that has kids so he might know what to tell you."
By the way, in response to your comment on my blog (regarding missing living out in the country)...I will never forget when you, Emily, and I were in the Intramural office and you guys were talking about "circles"... farm circles, that is. I had NO CLUE what you guys were talking about and couldn't even picture one. Now they are a part of my backyard. I'm glad I had at least heard of them (from you guys), before I moved out here and made a fool of myself.
Ummm...Holli! Hello! A little heads up would have been nice. Something like, "Erin, Beaumont Walmart, just like the rest of Beaumont, SUCKS."
And Kristen, I'm glad that Emily and my random conversations were helpful to SOMEONE.
hahahaha ... I love it!! (oh and NOT walmart!) ... hahahaha
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