This is the newest addition to our family - my brother's first baby, Britain. He was born yesterday morning. He's a little guy, weighing in at just over 5 pounds...he must come from my sister-in-law's family because none of The Paul and The Judy's babies were that small (which does not bode well for me since Husband's family has big babies as well...crap).
Awww. I like that name!
Britain like Briton? That's my brother's name...I like it a lot. Cute baby!!!
I thought of you when I heard the name, Cricket! I even thought it was spelled Briton until I got the email picture from my brother.
What the crap? Why didn't MY BABY make the blog? Actually, I just started reading I'm not sure mine didn't make it. But if it didn't, you're out of the circle of trust.
Excuse me while I go to change the diaper of my stubborn 2 year old. Even after I TRIED to get him on the toilet, he went in his pants, and is now demanding a change. TOO BAD!!! You choose to do it in your pants, you sit in it!!
You baby did make the blog - look in April. And, I'm going to have to say that I was very graceful in posting it, too, since no one even called to tell me that he was born until 12 days later. Despite the fact that Texas is outer darkness, we have phones!
Ok ok, sorry. But, you should be upset with Judy. It is her job to call and inform. You will understand when you have your second, or maybe even first child. Some days, I can't even go to the bathroom. Excuse me now while I go blast that damn deer with my pellet gun!! He's eating grandma's rose bushes. The good news is that now she's scared of us. The bad news...we rarely get more than one shot.
Yes, and that is why I have chosen to not have kids for the time being - I value the ability to go to the bathroom whenever I want.
I've also chosen not to live next to someone who has a pet deer. Instead, I live next to theives. They shoot each other rather than deer.
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