Last week, due to my large amounts of lip fungus, I had to fore go the use of my chapstick in favor of Abreva.
To most of you, this has no particular significance, but to those who know me really well, this might seem like a small miracle: six straight days of a chapstickless Erin.
Ever since I was 12, I have constantly had a tube of chapstick either on my body or somewhere within a one foot radius. For years and years I carried my chapstick in a fail safe location - the band of my bra (because it never feel out of there whereas it can quite easily fall out of a pocket, no matter how deep...believe me, I've done the research).
Saying that I freak out when I don't have it would be a complete understatement.
Anyway, Friday night, even though I knew I shouldn't, I could no longer hold myself back. After checking to make sure that no one was around, I snuck upstairs, grabbed the chapstick, and rubbed it all over my lips (I would have rubbed it all over my face, but that seemed A BIT ridiculous).
I cannot tell you the feeling that I had: just like when a smoker who hasn't had a cigarette for a week sucks that first breath of cancer-inducing tobacco vapor into their smoke-starved lungs.
Reduced anxiety. Complete relief. A true addiction.
I have ten tubes all around the house, and I'm in the process of getting Ashlyn addicted as well. Even playing sports, I'd keep a tube in my sock near my ankle. Tamar taught me that trick, she's more addicted than I am. Have you tried the Avon chapsticks? They're great when you can get a tube of the flavored stuff for 50 cents or so. Tangerine is the best.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one. Being that we're Mormon, and unable to be addicted to anything stonger than chapstick is probably a good thing...
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