Friday, January 04, 2008

One Year

One year ago tomorrow, Husband and I were married (and one year ago tomorrow, he froze his Texas toosh off while taking pictures outside the temple in the 10 degree weather. Had I been nicer, I would have let him off the hook. But, it turns out that I am NOT nice [shocker, I know]). It has been an interesting year...and I found out that Husband is even better than I thought he was when I married him (and no, I'm not just saying that so that other people will wish that they were me, although I'm sure they already do). Below is a list of his top ten qualities:
  1. He tells me that I am pretty everyday (and when he forgets, he always responds positively when I ask, "Don't you think I look pretty today?").
  2. He doesn't watch any girlie shows - in fact, when he's flipping through the channels, he NEVER stops when he sees a woman in a bikini (unlike me). And, he never comments on other women unless I say, "Oh, she's pretty!" and his reply is always, "But not as pretty as you."
  3. He has the cutest nicknames in the world and can still make me blush when he uses them.
  4. When he's got time, he is more than willing to cook. And, he also happens to be VERY good at it.
  5. He might be one of the only people I have ever met who actually means it when he says, "I don't care what anyone else thinks."
  6. He is VERY patient with my faults, i.e. my addiction to picking.
  7. He is generous (I feel like a queen because everytime we go to the movies, he always buys me a large drink and candy if I want it. We NEVER got to do that growing up) and is one of the best gift givers I have ever met.
  8. He gives great back rubs and will play with my hair whenever I ask him to. And, he will do it while also watching college football...ahhh....the perfect man.
  9. He lets me snuggle with him just like a puppy until he can't stand it anymore (most of the time it doesn't take long because I am the human heater).
  10. When he comes to bed at night and his legs are cold, he lets me put my feet on them because it's one of my favorite things to do.

Happy Anniversary, Husband!


GrĂ¡inne said...

Happy Anniversary Pets!

Porter Family said...

Awww...Here's to making it another year. Kidding. Aim higher than that, of course.

Brynley said...

CUTE! Happy 1 year!!!