Wednesday, December 05, 2007


I don't know if anyone can truly measure the love Husband has for Jack Bauer (he will readily bear his testimony about the fact that Jack is so cool because "he will kill anyone"). Yesterday, he bought season six (after waiting MONTHS for it to come out) and watched the first seven episodes. Then, he watched them AGAIN with me while also making one of the most delicious meals I have ever eaten. And, we were also forced to bad mouth all of the people who said that season six was stupid. It seems obvious to me that they don't know Jack.


Porter Family said...

does he know that the real Jack started his jail sentence today? Are you having a jail party? You can play Elvis' Jailhouse Rock, and pass out get out of jail free cards from the monopoly game...

Erin said...

Husband does know about the jail sentence. Our next door neighbor, who is a Jack convert said, "If you had suffered everything that hero has suffered at CTU, you would drink, too."

Unfortunately for him, since he already had a DUI conviction on his record, he has to serve the ENTIRE 48 days of his sentence. I think he's being discriminated against. Paris only had to serve 3 and Nichole Richie got out of her jail sentence because she is pregnant. Now I know what to do next time BEFORE I have a DUI...