Thursday, December 27, 2007

It's Official

Yesterday, two weeks shy of our first anniversary, I finally stopped at the bank and changed my name on my bank account. This completes all of my ID/account/name changes.

I'm happy to report that I didn't freak out at the bank like I did at the social security office. It was relatively seamless and also pain free. The one bad thing about changing all of this is that I could never really decide on any one name - half of the time it's hyphenated and half the time, it's not. I don't plan on keeping my maiden name forever, but for some reason when I went to change it, I just couldn't bear to drop it. And naturally, in true Erin fashion, I never knew when I was going to freak out about it and when I wasn't.

I guess that none of this really matters anyway. I still can't get used to being called by Peters. This is especially true at church when people call me Sister Peters. I've never been a "sister" my entire life (even on my mission). Just call me Erin. That way you won't think I'm ignoring you even if for some reason, I am doing it on purpose (which I often do because the only reason people talk to me at church is if they want me to do something).


Kyle said...

Way to take one for the team. Husband must feel very manly. Oh, and at church, I'll just call you Erin (can Gabi call you that in nursery or is that a cardinal sin)?

Erin said...

Of course Gabi can call me Erin. You know, all growing up, I never called anyone at church by anything but their first names. Even the branch president...and the stake president. Some people say that if you don't use last names, it denotes a lack of respect. I say that it shows friendliness. FRIENDLY. That's the part about Texas that is so hard for me. I don't want to call anyone "Mr" or "Ms". Isn't that why their mammas gave them a first name??