Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The-Day-After Syndrome

I had to drag myself out of bed this morning. Literally. Draaagggggg. Husband didn't have to work until 12 so he was still in bed when I got out of the shower. I climbed back under the covers and complained about how I had to go back to work after four glorious days off.

I hate the day after any big event. It's like this huge let down wherein you have to return to the real world while also remembering that the real world sucks. Perhaps this is what a hangover feels like.

And, I came to work today to find that three of the five staff members that were supposed to be here are sick. And who has to fill in for them? You guessed it. Me. Great.


Porter Family said...

this might perk you up...guess who got your book for christmas? Yep, me! i'm only in September, but I like it so far. It is like being in Japan with you. Glad I wasn't there during the gunky humidity. Yuck. ps.-those staff members probably aren't really should do a Dwight Shrute sting from the office...

Erin said...

I'm so happy that you are reading the book! And, I am also so happy that you put a comment on Amazon so that other people can see how fab I am!!!

I'm going to have to start watching the office. Someone offered season one to me the other day and I told them that I would get it later. Stupid me...