Sunday, October 29, 2006


This past weekend, I went to Bed Bath and Beyond to register for our wedding (and yes, my friends, I am accepting gifts even THIS early). Registering is horrible. I say this because I am horrible at it. After signing up at the "Marriage Desk", I wandered around the store with the little scanning gun, not really knowing what to scan and what not to scan. On top of that, all of the bar codes that you're supposed to scan were on the bottom of the stupid merchandise.

Since Nick's plane had been delayed (and if I didn't do it then, it wasn't going to get done), I was all alone in the store, trying to handle the gun, the stuff I wanted to scan, and the clipboard which contained a list of what they at BB&B (Bed Bath and Beyond...seriously, that's what they call themselves) think makes a "perfect house" (and really, who when they first get married has a four bedroom, four bathroom house?). Besides that, it was nearly 8 pm and I was tired (yes, I get tired then).

I wandered aimlessly around the store, scanning things that I THOUGHT would be nice. About halfway through, I realized that I was scanning things that would only be useful in a sub-arctic zone instead of a hot, humid one, like Southeast Texas (I blame this on living in a house without heating in freezing cold Iwate for the past two years).

In the end, after two hours and forcing the count up to nearly 100 items, I gave up. I think that the lady at the desk was disappointed in my productivity.

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