Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The A&M Union

My brother got married this past weekend. This is a miracle in our family because as a 38-year-old Mormon man, we thought that it would never happen for him (yes, that'r right, 38-year-old Mormon men are considered ancient on the Mormon marriage scale). Lucky for him, he found a fabulous girl who fits right into our family (it's not often that you find another person with our sense of humor). I took a lot of pictures of the event although hardly any of the bride and groom (this is because I felt that they were already adequately photographed). Most of them were accidentally in black and white because I couldn't switch the camera mode fast enough.

New wife comes from a family of 9, EIGHT of them being girls. Everyting at the wedding/reception was coordinated and put together by the sisters or by friends of the sisters. Amazing. Seriously.

Say what you will about the Mormons, but NO ONE in the world has prettier buildings than we do. This is the Salt Lake temple, site of the wedding.

I thought this was rather artsy, myself. Bride + flowers + plastic cup = artsy.

All the grandchildren gather after the wedding with their chocolate bars, provided by cousin Karl.

Karsen plays hide-and-seek to liven up an otherwise boring day. Let's be honest, Mormon weddings, NOT THE MOST EXCITING (mostly due to lack of alcoholic beverages).

Karsen and Danny are in self-imposed time out after playing in the water fountain at the reception.

Nancy and I make pretty on the temple steps.


The Pittmeister said...

Self-imposed timeout? I have never heard of such a thing! Who talked them into that one? And who says there is anything wrong with playing in a fountain at a wedding reception?

Erin said...

Forget the necklace! What about the girl??

Erin said...

I KNOW! It's about time someone noticed!

And YOU want the skirt, Speedy? Seriously, where is the Speedy that I used to know? The one that wouldn't be caught dead in a skirt? Must be all of that studying fish...makes you not right in the head :)