Sunday, August 13, 2006

Outstanding Pulblic Speaker

There is only one way to measure your success when you speak in church in Ruby Valley. That would be whether or not you can keep Uncle John awake during the entire meeting. I managed to do just that today (and Uncle John was quick to point it out to me as soon as the meeting was over...thank you, Uncle John! That is a compliment I will take and put right in my pocket) as I also managed to speak for 45 minutes straight, something my father didn't think I could do. Does he not know me at all? That's what he gets when he tells me that I can "speak until I am finished".

1 comment:

Erin said...

Look who's talking, Paddy! Get a little alcohol in you and you start chatting with and hugging everyone in sight (ex. last year's sayonara party).